Tuesday, July 6, 2010

“Emergency Rebuild” a new SF short story by David Conyers

Australian speculative fiction author David Conyers recently had his new short story “Emergency Rebuild” published in Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine Issue #43 (April 2010). Set on a colonized Mars, the story revolves around a family man who barely survives a horrible spaceport shuttle crash in the rocky, subzero desert. The opening lines:
HOT METAL SHARDS pierced the red sand. Dust stirred in the thin atmosphere as it mixed with burnt wisps of propulsion fuel. Broken and bloody people screamed and thrashed where they had fallen.

Liam Richter woke into this fury. Pain surged from the void where his legs should have been.

“What happened to me?” he bellowed.

“You’ve been in an accident,” explained the ambulance robot meticulously attending his wounds....
David Conyers resides in Sydney. His fiction has appeared in Jupiter, Book of Dark Wisdom, Midnight Echo, Antipodean SF, and several anthologies. He is the co-author of the novel The Spiraling Worm and editor of the horror anthology Cthulhu’s Dark Cults. He won the Australian Horror Writers Association’s Flash Fiction Award in 2007.

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