Monday, December 28, 2009

Looking back at Ian McDonald’s 1988 novel Desolation Road

Over at, Canadian SF&F writer Jo Walton takes an interesting look back at Desolation Road (1988), the debut novel by British SF author Ian McDonald that was reprinted earlier this year by Pyr. Set in a growing town on Mars, Walton calls the work a “magic realist science fiction novel” and concludes: “If you ever want to demonstrate how different science fiction can be, what an incredible range and sweep of things are published with a little spaceship on the spine, Desolation Road is a shining datapoint, because it isn’t like anything else and yet it is coming from a knowledge of what the genre can do and can be and making something new out of it.”

Pictured: Desolation Road (Pyr, 2009 reprint)


Pete Roland said...

Read the first chapter of my new science fiction/fantasy novel:

The White Weir available in a kindle edition on

K,E, said...

When I read "Desolation Road" back in 1988, I was so impressed. It was so poetic and so reminiscent of Ray Bradbury. I wrote to Ian McDonald and told him so, and he responed by mail (yes, snailmail; this was pre-Internet) and he seemed flattered. I found the book to be amazing. Still need to read "Ares Express," though. Hard to believe it's been more than 21 years...

Paul said...

Pyr is reprinting Ares Express. Should be out in Spring 2010.