Thursday, August 20, 2009

Forthcoming mockbuster film: Princess of Mars, starring Traci Lords and Antonio Sabàto, Jr.

The Asylum, a motion picture studio located in Burbank, California, is scheduled to release a low-budget film entitled Princess of Mars direct-to-DVD in late December 2009. An adaptation of the classic 1912 story written by author Edgar Rice Burroughs, Princess of Mars stars actor and model Antonio Sabàto, Jr. as Civil War Confederate soldier John Carter and former porn star Traci Lords as the Martian princess Dejah Thoris. The film, 90 minutes long, is classified as science fiction.

The guy who plays the character Tal Hajus has even posted a few photos over on Flickr!


Republibot 3.0 said...

Oh, God. Just for a second there, mistook this was the Pixar film, and my heart just crashed. Traci Lords in the first big-budget adaptation of a John Carter book? Noooooo! Fortunately, I realized the error of my ways before I ran off screaming in to the night.

Paul said...

The world is a crazy place, isn't it?

Republibot 3.0 said...

It is, it really is. Oh, lord, and from the pictures I see they're filming it at Zabriski Point, that can't be good. Whenever a film crew thinks "We need Captain Kirk's rock so people will recognize it's an alien world..." things are all primed to go south really quickly...