Saturday, June 20, 2009

Smithsonian taps virtual world of MMO game Blue Mars 2150 for future exhibit

GamesBeat and several other online news sources report that the Smithsonian Institution is teaming up with technology companies Virtual Space Entertainment, Avatar Reality and Big Stage Entertainment to build an interactive museum exhibit that will let users participate in a futuristic society on a terraformed Mars with breathable air. The project, which has
its roots in the massively multiplayer online game (MMO) Blue Mars 2150, is scheduled to open to the public in 2010.

Meanwhile, the game Blue Mars 2150, which has been released in beta, is scheduled to land on the Internet in August 2009. According to a recent article on BusinessWire, “A track with robotic 120-feet-tall dogs, college reunions in the garb of your alma mater and visiting the tomb of the first emperor of China are among the many Martian attractions.” Who knows, perhaps a player will be able to create an avatar who is a science fiction fan, relaxing with a beautiful woman by the side of a swimming pool, reading a pristine first edition hardcover of Fahrenheit 451, without fear that the book will get wet.

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