Monday, September 29, 2008

Interview with Tom Dell’Aringa, Creator of Sci-Fi Web Comic Marooned

Palace in the Sky Publishing has an interview with Tom Dell’Aringa, creator of the hilarious online sci-fi comic strip Marooned: A Space Opera in the Wrong Key.

Here’s a brief description of the strip, taken from the interview:
"Marooned concerns the ill-fated first manned mission to Mars sometime in the future. Pilot Captain John and his companion, a Robot AI named Asimov, safely land. However it seems there is not enough fuel to take off again (which quickly gets blamed on John’s piloting abilities). It isn’t long before a curious local named Ugo
finds them and offers some help."

Both the interview and Tom's comic strip are worth reading.

Pictured above: Ugo the Martian, Captain John, Asimov the robot. Artwork by Tom Dell'Aringa.

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