Orson Scott Card is the Guest of Honor and the convention schedule is stocked with many interesting events, including “The Multiple Myths of Philip K. Dick,” in which “Anne Mini, daughter of Dick's second wife and author of A Family Darkly: Love, Loss, and the Final Passions of Philip K. Dick, and David Gill ... explore the Gordian knot of the multiple myths of the writer’s life.”
According to its website, the Harvard-Radcliffe Science Fiction Association has a library of about 3,000 items, including science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic books, as well movies and games. We tried to search the catalog to see if the library has a copy of Philip K. Dick's Martian Time-Slip (1964), but we repeatedly got
“Server error!” messages.
Otium sine litteris mors est et hominis vivi sepultura -- Seneca
1 comment:
about Anne Mini's A Family Darkly, I'm sorry, but the young lady could not possibly have spoken to my husband on the telephone because we did not have a telephone. We were too poor to get a telephone.
Her book is pure fantasy.
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